car just before the train passed by.
Pit crew members were able remove the
8-15-69 Bob Hanson wound up the tracks
#26 Bob Hanson Windom, MN
#48 Jack Silker Fairmont, MN
#33 Ray Smith Worthington, MN
#63 Chuck Fee Sioux Falls, SD
#11x Ray Forsyth Mankato, MN
#87 Jerry Lepinski St. Paul, MN
#3 Ron Kauffman Spencer, IA
#27 Bill Hill Sioux Falls, SD
#7x Gale White Laurens, IA
#81 Don Marquardt Sioux Falls, SD
#22 Mike Enter St. Peter, MN
#44 Bill Melenberndt, Sioux Falls, SD
#7 Larry Smith Windom, MN
#540 Vic Dicks Jackson, MN
The creature from the black lagoon.
Jim Edgington's fan club.
#14 Jim Edgington Fairmont, MN
#773 Bobby Geldner St. Peter, MN
#61 Stacy Redmond Mason City, IA

#98 Lamoyne Krohnberg Walters, MN
#70 Laverne Bergeman Vernon Center
#24 Bill Leach Armstrong, IA
#54 Jerome Blackstead St. James, MN
#99 Gary Walters Mapleton, MN
#9 Denny Breithbarth Lewisville, MN
#43 Jerry Rathman St. James, MN
#30 Jerry Bleksted St. James, MN
#20 Bill Osborn Spirit Lake, IA
#50 Don Nagel Winnebago, MN
#43 John Rathman Fairmont, MN
#31 Bill Magers Nicollet, MN
#0 Carl Griese Jr Armstrong, IA
#4 Al Von Hagen Estherville, IA
#21 Jim Zanke Fairmont, MN
#17 Tom Jorgenson Fairmont, MN
#11 Bob Hanks Winnebago, MN
#46 Bob Soma Winnebago, MN
#6 Jack Garbers Fairmont, MN
#18 Denny Houseman Estherville, IA
#8 Pat Curry Fairmont, MN
#3 Bob Shryock Estherville, IA
#75 Clayton Hill Winnebago, MN
#75 Clayton Hill Winnebago, MN
Sportsmans action